In this example Azure resource group is already created. Also the credentials like Client ID, Subscription, Client Secret and Tenant are exported in the bashRead More

Cloud and Linux
In this example Azure resource group is already created. Also the credentials like Client ID, Subscription, Client Secret and Tenant are exported in the bashRead More
In this scenario Docker is used for running scripts that manages Azure resources. All files in local repository are mounted in local folder in docker.Read More
To get Azure credentials first login to Azure portal. The credentials like SUBSCRIPTION, TENANT, CLIENT and CLIENT SECRET IDs are used to access and manageRead More
Boto3 is an API used to communicate with AWS Cloud to manage services like EC2 or S3. This is AWS SDK for python which allowsRead More
Terraform is an infrastructure as code software by HashiCorp. It is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure in efficient way. Terraform supports manyRead More
1 Install Requirements Python will be installed in the following CenOS version: $ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) Install gcc compiler and otherRead More
Azure Resource manager is completely different than Azure Classic. The same is with python sdk for Azure classic and RM. Here is the exemple howRead More
In Azure Classic all virtual machines are located in the “same” place. There is no need to select each region and list VMs. The documentationRead More
There are two options to create virtual machine (Linux VMs) in Azure ARM (Azure Resource Manager). One with password and second with public key. WhenRead More
Here I will show how to quickly create basic web page with links to files. The idea is to quickly install web serwer on aRead More