The Ubuntu 20.04 hangs or freezes after some time running in VirtualBox. The screen gets black with cursor seen. There is not possible to getRead More
Browsing Category : Linux

Nginx – setup reverse proxy to the backend http server in Azure
This article describe how to setup Nginx proxy server for backend http server located in Azure and without internet access. Access to the web serverRead More

Install Nginx web server to share files and folders (display file content instead of downloading)
The goal of this configuration is to install Ngnix in CentOS 7.5 and setup to act as a simple file/folder sharing. By default when fileRead More

Install terraform on CentOS 7.5
Terraform is an infrastructure as code software by HashiCorp. It is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure in efficient way. Terraform supports manyRead More

Install python 3.7.0 on CentOS v7.5
1 Install Requirements Python will be installed in the following CenOS version: $ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) Install gcc compiler and otherRead More

How to create simple web page that share files and folders
Here I will show how to quickly create basic web page with links to files. The idea is to quickly install web serwer on aRead More