In this example Azure resource group is already created. Also the credentials like Client ID, Subscription, Client Secret and Tenant are exported in the bash shell.
To get information how to use Azure SDK api go to the official api page:
Azure SDK for Python:
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials from import StorageManagementClient from import ( StorageAccountCreateParameters, Sku, SkuName, Kind ) import os AZ_TENANT_ID = os.getenv('AZ_TENANT_ID') AZ_CLIENT_ID = os.getenv('AZ_CLIENT_ID') AZ_CLIENT_SECRET = os.getenv('AZ_CLIENT_SECRET') AZ_SUBSCRIPTION = os.getenv('AZ_SUBSCRIPTION') GROUP_NAME = 'DR-RES1' STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'drstorage343434' REGION = 'westus' credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials( client_id=AZ_CLIENT_ID, secret=AZ_CLIENT_SECRET, tenant=AZ_TENANT_ID ) subscription = AZ_SUBSCRIPTION storage_client = StorageManagementClient(credentials, subscription) try: print(f'Creating storage account') storage_create = storage_client.storage_accounts.create( GROUP_NAME, STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME, StorageAccountCreateParameters( sku=Sku(name=SkuName.standard_ragrs),, location=REGION ) ) print(f'Storage {STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} has been created') except Exception as e: print(f'Unable to create storage account. \nReason: {e}')
Az module is a new module and it is cross-platform module. Therefore, it has also become a priority for Azure PowerShell to have cross-platform support.
Creating storage account by using Az module in Powershell:
$ resourcegroup = 'DR-RES1' $ New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup -name "storagepshell3434" -location 'westus' -SkuNam Standard_LRS -kind StorageV2 StorageAccountName ResourceGroupName Location SkuName Kind AccessTier CreationTime ProvisioningState EnableHttpsTrafficOnly ------------------ ----------------- -------- ------- ---- ---------- ------------ ----------------- ---------------------- storagepshell3434 DR-RES1 westus Standard_LRS StorageV2 Hot 06/26/2019 19:15:05 Succeeded True
Next go to the Azure portal, resource group that the storage accounts has been created and verify if two storage account have been created:
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